Out of Darkness Into Light
Written by Daryl Martin
God continues to call those living in darkness to come to the light. By his Spirit, he fans into flame the smoldering embers of faith. Satan has strongholds in each culture. In The Gambia and Guinea Bissau one of these is idol worship and worshipping the ancestral spirits.
We also spent time in the Basse area of The Gambia. Taylor, the missionary, and I went to the bush to see where, each year, the boys are taken to be circumcised and learn to communicate with their dead ancestors. The thought that every year another portion of the coming generation is brought into alliance with Satan, who comes only to steal, kill and destroy, was very sobering.
Through the work of Beryl Forrester, the Eastern Mennonite Missions(EMM) team and others, God is at work in the lives of the people. Sabadou M'Fadi shares, “Since becoming part of this church I have greatly matured in my relationship with God. I am a leader of the women's fellowship. I am so happy now that I am fully committed to God. I am much stronger in my faith and I am able to explain to my family why I do not participate in their idol worship.”
Continue to pray that God will raise up those who are willing to go and share the “Good News” of Jesus Christ. Pray that God will raise up leaders from among the African people who can lead their people to God. Pray for the EMM team and others who are serving the people of that region.
Mary & I spent three weeks in The Gambia and Guinea Bissau in West Africa. The mission of The Second Tunic is ~ To send and support individuals and teams to come alongside of existing and emerging ministries, giving assistance and encouragement. To serve with humility and compassion. To share generously both our abilities and resources.